Are you overspending on your current license agreements and not receiving your entitled benefits including training, support, and other value-added services?

At System Squared we specialise in maximising your entitlements with your software licensing programs including helping with purchasing, optimizing, and managing all your hidden entitlements.

We work with on-premise and cloud software vendors to offer flexible software licensing agreements to help your organisation stay agile as your software needs change.

Optimise your license spend

Save time and money through increased visibility over your software procurement lifecycle and take advantage of our benchmarking services.

Software Licensing Expertise

We help simplify complex licensing agreements, ensure compliance and provide you with expert negotiation and benchmarking to ensure the optimal licensing solution for your business

Managed Software Assessment Management (MSAM)

We can help manage and track on-demand all your software purchases and license allocations. Enable your team to have time back to concentrate on your core business priorities.

Software Portal Management & Purchasing

Leverage our world leading self-service software portal to enable you to manage on-demand licensing, review billing and control usage, all on your terms.

Contact us today

Talk to one of our licensing experts today for a complimentary assessment of how we can ensure you are receiving maximum benefit from your licensing agreements.